Thursday, 28 June 2018

WISDOM: What is a grandmother

What is a grandmother ?

Is it someone who is a certain age? Who has grey hair? Who has grandchildren?
In my teachings a Grandmother is a woman who lives the 7 sacred teachings, who guides by example of those teachings. Grandmothers are always willing to learn for They know that when you are finished learning you go back to the Spirit World!

A Grandmother is someone who has experience, attends ceremonies and continues to work on their own healing. She may not be old, have grey or even have grandchildren but she has acquire wisdom through humility.

Ceremonies have no place for self importance, though I see that often. What can possibly go through someone's mind to think they are better than others! Are we not all related? Are we not equal? Do we not all have something to offer? The circle is a place for all, now that is a fundamental teaching, one that our beautiful Grandfather William Commanda stressed every chance he had!

The circle is a place for healing, not a place for EGO! Every man, woman and child on earth has a voice, has a gift to share. Let us acknowledge that, honour that and work together for the greater healing of ourselves as well as our beloved Mother Earth!

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