Saturday, 9 December 2023

MEME: Epstein


MEMES (6) Food and health


MEME: Rich versus poor - its violence


MEME: Wisdom - walls and boundaries


MEME: Epstein


MEME: Bible and cannabis


MEMES (2) Books


MEME: USA - tradition


MEME: Funny - biden


MEME: Voting


MEMES (2) Hunter biden


INFO: Covid vaccines - 17million killed

A groundbreaking study found that 17 million people died worldwide after the Covid “vaccine” rollout and therefore should be garnering worldwide attention and calls for an immediate cessation of all Covid vaccines.

The team of doctors studied 17 countries across 4 continents, in Latin America and in the equatorial region which provided them with a representative sample of the world. “We calculate the toxicity of the vaccine for all ages,” explained Dr. Rancourt, “given the number of doses given worldwide to conclude that 17 million people would have been killed by this vaccine.”

Censored – The Study That Shows a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout.  – The Expose (

Thursday, 7 December 2023

MEME: Climate change - John Kerry hypocrite

Enjoys a 5 Star lifestyle, flying around the world all the time on private jets [because he is important 😜] and with multiple homes

Tells you the common man you're the problem, get rid of your car, have less holidays, live in a 15minute city and eat zee bugs Hypocrites truly are the worst of people

MEME: War for your mind


MEME: Government


MEME: Truth


MEME: Wisdom - life - control your thinking


MEME: Wisdom - life


INFO: UK Parliament - Dr David Martin - Covid vaccines a 56yr plan

Dr David Martin informed 16 members of the UK Parliament that Covid was a 56 year plan in the making

Dr David Martin has previously shared his extensive research proving that covid vaccines were patented years prior to the 2019 outbreak. 

In the 12-minute video below, he informed 16 members of the UK Parliament that Covid was a 56 year plan in the making which started in 1966 in the UK when the Wellcome Trust decided to fund the corona virus as the ‘preferred form of human manipulation’. 

Keith Coley on X: "Dr. David Martin gives expert testimony on the Pandemic and it's consequences to the House of Commons. @DrDMartinWorld #Plandemic #Warpspeed #COVID19" / X (

MEME: Japan and vaccines