Thursday, 28 June 2018

POETRY: Rumi - the heavenly slap in the face

If a blow comes to you from Heaven,
be alert to a gift of honor after it;
for He is not the King to slap you
without giving you a crown
and a throne on which to rest.
The whole world is
worth only a gnat's wing,
but a single slap
may bring an infinite reward.
Slip your neck nimbly
out of this golden collar
that is the world,
and take the slaps that come from God.
The prophets suffered
those blows on the neck,
and from that affliction
they lifted their heads high.
But always be present,
attentive, and ready in yourself,
youthful one, in order that
He may find you at home.
He will take back His gift of honor,
saying "I found no one there."

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