Friday, 27 December 2024

MEME: Life - success - amen


MEME: Anger


MEME: Taxes


MEMES (3) Food


MEME: Law - none above the Law


MEME: Fauci and Gates - Nuremberg 2025


MEMES (3) Fauci - evil man


MEMES (3) Covid vaccines - trump quote


QUOTE - " I am the Father of the vaccine and I deserve full credit. Remember I backed it, funded it and most importantly sped it through, all under my watch. " Source - Donald Trump

MEME: Poverty

When people have lost everything

And have nothing left to lose

They lose it 

MEME: Elon musk - yes


MEME: Pelosi - corruption


MEME: USA and Ukraine corruption


Wednesday, 25 December 2024

INFO: Gates and the depopulation agenda

For more than ten years, meetings have been held by billionaires described as philanthropists to Reduce the Size of the World’s Population culminating with the 2020-2024 Covid crisis.

Recent developments suggest that “Depopulation” is an integral part of the so-called Covid mandates including the lockdown policies and the mRNA “vaccine”. 

Flash back to 2009. According to the Wall Street Journal: “Billionaires Try to Shrink World’s Population”.

In May 2009, the Billionaire philanthropists met behind closed doors at the home of the president of The Rockefeller University in Manhattan.

This Secret Gathering was sponsored by Bill Gates. They called themselves “The Good Club”. 

"Billionaires Try to Shrink World's Population": Secret Gathering Sponsored by Bill Gates, 2009 Meeting of "The Good Club" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

MEME: Ignorance


MEME: Life


MEME: Telegram - no1 for paedos use also


MEME: Climate and solar


MEME: USA - deportation map


MEMES (2) Vaccines

 I would sooner catch the flu and take, vitamins, minerals, fruit and rest

MEME: Elon musk - epstein, clinton, paedos


MEME: Life - this what you want?


MEME: UK Carbon Tax Agenda 2030 - real bad, real evil


MEME: Japan and vaccines