Saturday, 23 June 2018

GIFs : Assorted geometry

QUOTE: Important not to judge others for their pleasures

It is important not to judge others for their pleasures of the flesh. What you deny to others will be denied to you, for the plain reason that you are always legislating for yourself, all your words and actions define the world you want to live in. One of the necessary laws for our relations as equal beings is this: What you say, goes - but only for you and those who agree with you. If you say a man should not receive help undeservedly, it may not affect his life much, but it will hold for you: you will not get undeserved help. 

If you say other people's sexual preferences are vulgar, it won't change their experiences, but your pleasures will become vulgar. It is precisely your unlimited power to control your experience that hangs you up. How much compassion and forgiveness do you want for yourself? Give it to others. Go to the extreme: forgive all beings for their karmic debts to you. Grant to others the freedom, the love, the consciousness that you want for yourself.

~Thaddeus Golas 
from "The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment"

LOVE: I wanna make you the kinda happy

QUOTE: Life is not perfect

QUOTE: In life you will realise that there is a purpose

QUOTE: I fell in love with the way

MEME: It's so much fucking pressure to be what

MEME: What's all this fuck witted twattery

MEME: Rumi - gamble everything for love

WISDOM: Atelphobia - fear of not being good enough

MEME: Golum - can we fucks it

MEME: I am who I am

MEME: In a room full of Art

GIF's - Fire, thank you, hand,

MEME: TIMESPOOF, Trump and naughty children

MEME: Japan and vaccines