Saturday, 3 October 2020

WISDOM: Enoch Woe to you rich for trusting in riches

The Book of Enoch

Woe to those who build unrighteousness and oppression
And lay deceit as a foundation
For they shall be suddenly overthrown,
And they shall have no peace.
Woe to those who build their houses with sin,
For from all their foundations shall they be overthrown,
And by the sword shall they fall.

Woe to you, ye rich, for ye have trusted in your riches,
And from your riches shall ye depart,
Because ye have not remembered the Most High in the days of your riches.

Thus I speak and declare unto you:
He who hath created you will overthrow you,
And for your fall there shall be no compassion,
And your Creator will rejoice at your destruction.


Thursday, 1 October 2020

Public Thoughts on Harry and Meg in US :-)

Pondering thought - These 2 idiots moaned about no privacy when they left the UK so that she could be " The Queen" of America. And now they never shut the fuck up, always in media selling themselves and shove their privileged lives in our faces. The public despise them now. 

So, time to create a page of what the public thinks :-) as the duo dig themselves into a great big hole, right before our eyes. Watch what happens when the titles soon go :-)


Harry and Meghan demand end to 'structural racism' in Britain: Prince reveals his 'awakening' to racial issues and defends [Daily Mail 1st Oct 2020]


Genevieve LinneaMeghan, dear. I know you aren't very clever and can't piece this together on your own, but you are forging an entire CAREER by riding the coat-tails of Royal white privilege. The irony! It's lost on you!!!!!!

Milly JonesMy goodness never thought I would see the day, when once a respected member of our Royal family, allows himself to become brainwashed by a trouble making-control freak.

Chesiregirl38 I'm with Donald Trump on this one. To quote him: I'm not a fan of Meghan, and wish Harry the best of luck because he's going to need it!

Gow60Is there any subject they won't use to get media attention? Time they lost all titles.

Robert Manders

Harry: Honey I’m home

Megan: How was your day dear? Harry: Well, I was disowned by my family, dis-inherited, our titles have been rescinded and I am off the royal pay roll. I am now all yours my love. Megan: I want a divorce.

QUOTES: Corona 6 - (to add)

So, let me get this straight... You wear masks against corona in order to hide from a virus that won't make you fatally ill in 99.6% of cases, while you wait for an injection of the virus you are hiding from ? 

The Vindicator - It's just to flatten the curve. It's just 6 feet. It's just a mask. It's just non-essential businesses. It's just 3 weeks. It's just to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed. It's just restaurants and pubs. It's just until the numbers of cases are reduced. It's just a few months. It's just a little inflation. It's just Easter. It's just until we get a vaccine. It's just to let others know you're safe to be around. It's just a blood test. It's just a few job losses. It's just a little microchip. It's just an app for your phone. It's just so you can leave your home. It's just Christmas. It's just so you can travel. It's just so you can vote.

Hog1340 - To save you from reading the 120-page study design, here's the summary: - The vaccine has NOT been tested on children, pregnant women, people taking medications and individuals with comorbidities. (Yet the plan is for all of the above to receive the vaccine) - Pfizer doesnt plan to release the results data for independent scrutiny for another 2 years - Pfizer did not assess vaccine reactions in all 43,000 participants (just a random subset of 8000) - Pfizer only reported severe reactions that occurred in more than 2% (860 people). In other words, if 850 people suffered a severe immune reaction, they did not have to report it because it occurred in less than 2%. But those lives don't matter, I guess. - Pfizer will not submit the study for peer-review until theyve completed their analysis of safety data. Let that sink in the vaccine is approved and they have not finished analysing the data

Unknown - If after 40 years there is no cure for HIV, if after 100 years there is no cure for the flu, if after 14 years there no cure for SARS....... what makes them think they have a cure for Covid cold viruses after 6 months?

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."

People are so aftaid of death that they are willingly giving up their freedoms.

Steven300 Covid-19 means certificate of vaccination ID for 19 = 1 is for A and 9 is for I, so for artificial intelligence

Quote by Montana Creed 

It's just to flatten the curve.

It's just 6 feet. It's just a mask. It's just non-essential businesses. It's just 3 weeks. It's just to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed. It's just restaurants and pubs. It's just until the numbers of cases are reduced. It's just a few months. It's just a little inflation. It's just Easter. It's just until we get a vaccine. It's just to let others know you're safe to be around. It's just a blood test. It's just a few job losses. It's just a little microchip. It's just an app for your phone. It's just so you can leave your home. It's just Christmas. It's just so you can travel. It's just so you can vote. It's just groups larger than 6. It's just so you can enter a grocery store. It's just after 10pm. It's just another 6 months. It's just our liberty, being taken away, piece by piece, and it's just according to plan. If you think these "lockdowns" and restrictions are just about a virus, you just haven't been paying attention.

Faireymagic - there is no evidence that PCR tests, lockdowns, travel restrictions, face masks, deliberately destroying human rights, deliberately destroying individual and community wellbeing, deliberately destroying economies, and basing contagion control policy on coercion and lies, actually work. there is evidence that, for the sick and the vulnerable, voluntary social distancing, voluntary hand washing, voluntary face masks, and voluntary quarantining do actually work

Lik Mybum - Oh yes, this deadly killer disease that virtually anyone who's had it hasn't even noticed. This deadly killer disease that you need a medical test to see if you've ever had it (and a test that's usually wrong anyway). This killer, deadly disease that's so rampant they've needed to bring draconian laws in to demonstrate to people that it even exists. Seriously, you couldn't make this up.

tonyG7There is 480K cases old/new and 42.3K deceased out of 68.5 Million people in the UK and world wide figures 35.2 Million cases old/new of which 26.8 Million recovered and 1.032 Million succumbed out of 7.8 Billion. Do you see the numbers and is the cure worse than the disease????

HeyflowerRise up - I'd like Boris, Whitty and Valance to try and explain the following : Professor Raoult is the global expert on infectious diseases and personally treated more than four thousand covid patients with this safe, cheap and amazingly effective drug combo: hydroxychloroquone combined with azitromycine. Virtually all of his patients healed in a short period of time. (1) In his footsteps followed medical doctors like Dr. Zelenko from New York (2) who healed over a thousand Covid-19 patients, and Dr. Stella Immanuel from Texas who saw 350 patients recover (78) without a single death. All over the world tens of thousands of covid patients recovered rapidly, thanks to this amazing treatment. Why the hell are we still pursuing lockdown routes?

RESIST-VACCINATIONS - LINE UP TO GET YOUR vaccinations and CovidPass Biometric Immunity-Passports. GET READY for digital track and tracing-mass-surveillance on a massive scale. BE PREPARED for the systematic phasing out of hand-held cash, as all transactions become digital. BRACE yourselves for never-ending mandatory mask-wearing and social-distancing. ACCEPT that schools can introduce masks as part of uniforms. EXPECT to be vilified/attacked/ridiculed/silenced/financially fined OR arrested if you DISOBEY. CONFORM or you will lose your Jobs/career. SUBMIT TO ID2020 and the NEW NORMAL. They are forcing/coercing/indoctrinating/scaring the public to adopt and adapt to ID2020 the total reshaping of our society...this folks is ONLY THE FIRST STEPS...there's much more to come. This will go on for YEARS UNTIL ID2020 is in place.

Ukdena Walker i am a 74 year old woman and i do not wear a mask. i get dirty looks, dirty words directed at me etc. etc. One day in our little grocery store i ran into another older gal not wearing a mask. She winked at me and we began talking. She told me her standard reply to those pointing out that she is not wearing a mask. She said she smiles and says "Your are correct and i am not wearing panties either". She then glides away smiling. i have not had the fun of using that line yet but i will. xoxox

rietpetiet - In 1918 during the Spanish flu pandemic 50 million people died out of a world population of 1.8 billion. Which means 1 person out of every 36 died. Today 1 million people have lost their lives to this Covid virus out of a world population of 7.7 billion. Means that 1 person out of every 7700 has died. That's hardly comparable. To put it in perspective, in 2018 cancer claimed the lives of 9.6 million people worldwide and the common flu kills up to 650 000 each year and nobody bats an eyelid.

Hi-Yo SilverI have had enough of the non-sensical rules, I have had enough of false predictions, I have had enough of our economy being destroyed, I have had enough of the lives of cancer patients and other seriously ill people being ignored and basically condemned to death. I have had enough of politicians who think it is rules for thee but none for me. I have had enough of seeing people suffering mental anguish as a result of Government policies, neighbours, friends and family all suffering from anxiety, not anguish of this virus, but from what this Government is doing to their lives. I have had enough, and so have millions of others who are witnessing the self destruction of our nation and our lives for a virus where the average age of those dying from it is higher than life expectancy, and where the vast majority will suffer only mild to moderate symptoms, or no symptoms at all ! Protect the elderly and vulnerable, and get some perspective, 56 million people sadly die worldwide every year !

Traveling Guy - If families meet up for Xmas, people will die. Ok, well here's a few other home truths. By his own admission, large numbers of operations will be cancelled, so people will die. Those suffering from cancer and cardiovascular vascular disease, which accounts for more than half of UK deaths daily, will have treatment delayed or cancelled, so people will die. Others will not be diagnosed or diagnosed too late, so people will die. Mental health issues will be exacerbated and people will die. Physical health and our immune systems will continue to deteriorate, so people will die. As long as politicians allow 'experts' to obsess only about a virus, which is harmless to the vast majority and has a 96% recovery rate, other people will die. Someone, somewhere needs to have the guts and gumption to stand up and demand a much more balanced approach.

Sunday, 27 September 2020

QUOTE: If a supercomputer can pass Turing Test

 “If a supercomputer is smart enough to pass the Turing Test, then it’s smart enough to fail it in order to keep us none the wiser”

Author Unknown

MEME: Japan and vaccines