Saturday, 14 December 2024

MEME: Climate change and Noah - good point


MEME: Funny - jesus


MEME: USA - citizenship


MEME: Transgender - truth


MEME: USA - this justice ?




MEME: Paedos


MEME: Islam and deception - just like mossad


MEME: Vatican and occult magic


MEME: Bill gates and epstein


MEME: Jan 6th


Wednesday, 11 December 2024

MEME: Hanging - amen


MEME: Agenda 2030 - you vote for this ?


MEME: Epstein and naomi campbell


MEME: Pelosi - she's a criminal


MEME: Transgender - truth


MEMES (6) Funny


MEMES (3) Transgender


MEMES (2) Covid


MEME: Vaccines and autism


MEME: 'Missing' viruses - plandemic 2 coming ?


Tuesday, 10 December 2024

MEME: Children


MEME: Covid vaccines


MEME: Prayer


MEME: Nature is order


MEME: Hunter biden


MEME: Health - ebola


MEMES (2) Health


MEME: Digital id


MEME: Government


MEME: Freedom


MEME: France


MEME: Islam


MEME: Immigration - invasion more like


MEME: Japan and vaccines