Thursday, 7 October 2021

WISDOM: VID - What is ADE ? [anti-body dependent enhancement]

What is Antibody Dependent Enhancement, caused by these corona vaccines ?

It means that if you have been stupid enough to have taken these experimental gene therapy death jabs, you have fucked your own immune system for life...... and this is irreversible

You are going to need jabs for the rest of your life.... life being you may have 3yrs left if you are lucky.

WISDOM: VID - Corona Investigative Committee Summary findings

An update by Dr Fuellmich and his corona committee group investigation summary of findings which has reached its conclusion. These vaccines are being used to commit genocide of the human race.

So there you have it, there was no medical pandemic, the PCR tests and masks are useless, the corona is relatively harmless, the vaccines are dangerous and not needed. 

It was all a lock-step global hoax via governments, media, medical establishment and big pharma all working together in cahoots. This was a global con-job and the masses all fell for it, you got hoodwinked.

PLEASE NOTE - These vaccines are a slow burn kill, estimates are 2Billion will be dead within 3years

If you have been stupid to have these death jabs, your clock is now ticking down towards death.

PROPHECY - 3yr old child - Jesus the King is coming

 Child prophesying Jesus (The King) is coming

3min -

At midnight (hours before this video was taken) Lily woke us up, knocking and talking at her door. She was saying, with urgency, "Something's coming! Something's coming!" She elaborated on her dream vision later in the day. I managed to catch this video.

At 18 seconds after I take out her paci and I say "what?" she says, "The King." It also sound's like she says "Abba up, push you up" and "join Abba up" several times. I didn't teach her this. Excuse the poor angle, I was attempting to sneakily turn on and hide the camera. At the end, she bows 3 times...the number God uses for confirmation. The next day, she brought it up again (while I was getting her breakfast.) She said to me, "Mama, open up, because GOD is coming" and then proceeded to knock on the wall 3 times.

PROPHECY - China+Russia bring an incurable plague

 Mother Shipton  Prophecies - England 15th century

The kings shall false promise make
And talk just for talking's sake
And nations plan horrific war
The like as never seen before
And taxes rise and lively down
And nations wear perpetual frown.

And christian one fights christian two
And nations sigh, yet nothing do
And yellow men great power gain
From mighty bear with whom they've lain.

These mighty tyrants will fail to do
They fail to split the world in two.
But from their acts a danger bred
A plague - leaving many dead.

And physics find no remedy
For this is worse than leprosy.

Oh many signs for all to see
The truth of this true prophecy.


PROPHECY - America to be destroyed in a nuclear war

World War III will be started by those peoples who first revealed the light (the divine wisdom or intelligence) in the other old countries (India, China, Islamic Nations, Africa.)

The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Only the Hopis and their homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee. Bomb shelters are a fallacy.

 "It is only materialistic people who seek to make shelters. Those who are at peace in their hearts already are in the great shelter of life. There is no shelter for evil. Those who take no part in the making of world division by ideology are ready to resume life in another world, be they Black, White, Red, or Yellow race. They are all one, brothers."

The war will be "a spiritual conflict with material matters. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator."
That time is not far off.

Source -

MEME: Fake alien invasion, their last card


MEME: We are in World War 3 already


MEME: Forced medical procedures = crimes against humanity


MEME: real vaccine trials are yet to begin


MEME: Vaccines


MEME: USA - defiance, not obedience is the answer


MEME: Truth offends those living a lie


MEME: Well gang, no matter were we go now


MEME: You are here to destroy the system


MEME: The system wants you weak


MEME: FDA approved does not mean


MEME: News readers - once you understand


MEME: Difference being obedient and a good person


WISDOM: Nuremberg Code and experimental jabs


MEME: Funny - when someone complains


MEME: Imagine taking orders from paedos and liars


MEME: I don't blame the tyrants, I blame you cowards


MEME: Hypocrisy


MEME: Funny - kermit and dark humour


MEME: Funny - if I could give you one thing


MEME: Funny - leave me the fuck alone


MEME: Funny - if you want to save money at Xmas


MEME: Following orders is no excuse in Law


MEME: Epstein with Bill Gates


MEME: its a bugs life - you let one ant stand up


WISDOM: Walt Disney logo = 666


WISDOM - USA HR Bill 6666


WISDOM - Graphene oxide inside vaccines=666



Graphene = 6 sided hexagram

Carbon = 6 protons 6 electrons 6 neutrons = 666

WISDOM - WEF logo = 666

 NOTICE HOW THE CURVE (which is not needed for the logo) CUTS THROUGH THE ZERO's TO CREATE 666

WISDOM: build back better = 666

 THIS IS WHY THEY USE BLOCK CAPITALS - lower case letters bbb=666

MEME: Australian police are beating up old people


MEME: Bird flu