Friday, 15 June 2018

WISDOM: Depression - if someone told me

"If someone told me I could live my life again free of depression provided I was willing to give up the gifts depression has given me--the depth of awareness, the expanded consciousness, the increased sensitivity, the awareness of limitation, the tenderness of love, the meaning of friendship, the appreciation of life, the joy of a passionate heart--I would say, 'This is a Faustian bargain! I can endure darkness if I must; but I cannot live without these gifts. (Source - beyond religion)

GIF's (13) - sunburst, starlight, trippy and awesome

GIF's - 6 - Lightning

QUOTE: love - I fell in love with you, don't know how

QUOTE: Love - I don't pretend to know what love is

I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.

By: Dan DeClark

QUOTE: Love - find someone who isn't afraid

Find someone who isn't afraid to admit that they miss you. Someone who knows that your not perfect, but treats you as if you are. Someone whose biggest fear is losing you. One who gives their heart completely. Someone who says I love you and means it...  

Last but not the least, find someone who you wouldn't mind waking up with you in the morning, seeing your wrinkles and your grey hair but still falls in love with you all over again!

Unknown ~

MEMES: Pagan, Art and assorted wisdom memes

Jesus with the god Pan

MEME: Japan and vaccines