Thursday, 28 June 2018

WISDOM: Jewish - on God

Rabbi Eleazar ha-Kappar used to say: Jealousy, lust, and ambition remove man from the world. 

He also used to say: They who have been born are destined to die. They that are dead are destined to be made alive. They who live are destined to be judged, that men may know and make known and understand that He is God, He is the maker, He is the creator, He is the discerner, He is the judge, He is the witness, He is the complainant, and it is He who will in the future judge, blessed be He, in whose presence is neither guile nor forgetfulness nor respect of persons nor taking of bribes; for all is His. And know that everything is according to the reckoning. 
And let not your evil nature assure you that the grave will be your refuge: for despite yourself you were fashioned, and despite yourself you were born, and despite yourself you live, and despite yourself you die, and despite yourself shall you be destined to give account and reckoning before the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He.

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