Saturday, 23 July 2022

MEME: Masks


WORLD COUNCIL FOR HEALTH - 17,000 DOCTORS STATED " We declare masks are not and have never been effective protection against an airborne respiratory virus in the community setting. " LINK - KEEP THE MASKS OFF, JUST SAY NO PEOPLE !

MEME: Anonymous - parasites


MEME: Anonymous - freedom


MEME: Viruses


MEME: Climate change - the hoax on television


MEME: Robot dog


MEME: Non compliance


MEME (2) Vaccines


MEME (2) Government


Friday, 22 July 2022

GIFS (2) assorted


MEME: Wisdom of Plato


MEME: QR Code tracking you like cattle


MEME: Do not love the world


MEME: Flower


arthur schopenhauer 

GIF: Vaccines




MEME: What is a woman


MEME: Miracles


MEME: Politician


MEME: Gays against the grromers


MEME: Farmers


MEME: People provoke you to anger


Thursday, 21 July 2022

MEME: Overlords - totalitarian


MEME (6) Funny


MEME: Protect the children


MEME: Trump and vaccines


MEME: eat the bugs


MEME: Wisdom - choose wisely


MEME (4) Funny


MEME: Hemp


MEME: Food


MEME: Awakening


MEME: Trauma


MEME: Viruses


GIF (3) Assorted - animals, funny


MEME: Japan and vaccines