Friday, 10 May 2024

MEME: Government


MEME: Wisdom - never be the reason


MEME: Children - protect them


MEME: Climate change hypocrites


MEME: Eat zee bugs - its in your food already


MEME: History - wake up


GIF: Lighthouse


MEMES (3) Bird flu - next planned pandemic coming


MEMES (2) Vaccines - died suddenly

ART: Fauci - Dr Death


MEME: USA - immigration


MEMES (7) Funny


GIFS (2) Funny


MEME: Friends


MEME: Epstein and Hollywood paedos


MEME: Pain


MEME: Childhood


INFO: Health - Gout


Make the juice of 1 medium-sized cucumber, 2 celery pods, half a lemon and a young ginger root of 2.5 centimeters. Preparation: First of all, peel the ingredients from their skins. Cut the cucumber and celery into small pieces. Cut the lemon in half, take one part and squeeze into the bowl of a blender, and put the other part in the refrigerator. Slice the ginger root. Whisk all the ingredients and drink the mixture once or twice a day until you feel the results.

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

MEME: Life - habits


MEMES (3) History


MEMES (2) Ukraine


MEME: Imagine if - hate


MEME - ART: Fauci - kerry mulis


ART: Elon musk - X = Freemason logo


MEME: USA - debt


MEME: USA - veterans

MEMES (2) Biden - dark brandon


MEME: Jews - kalergi plan


MEMES (5) USA and Israel


MEME: Japan and vaccines