Saturday, 2 November 2024

MEMES (20) Funny


MEME: Covid vaccines bioweapon


County GOP: COVID-19 vaccine is a bioweapon

Group leaders have written the first draft of a letter they want to send to Gov. Ron DeSantis and other state officials, calling on them to make the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines illegal in Florida.
BREC's letter explains why organization leaders believe the vaccines are not effective, and takes a further step, referencing a study on the use of vaccines as a method to spread bioweapons.

MEME: Trust - I trusted you


MEME: Vaccines and autism


MEME: Taxes


MEME: P diddy


MEME: God - trial by fire


MEME: Health


Thursday, 31 October 2024

MEME: Health


MEME: Abortion

Childless hags like these two telling women to kill their babies 

- is diabolical and pure unadulterated evil 

Rape, incest and a risk to the mothers health are exceptional circumstances

Using abortion as a retroactive birth control is wrong

MEME: Trump - truth


MEME: Biden with kids yet again, grrrrr

Fucking disgusting 

and what woman in her right mind would let a stranger do this to her child eh ? 

They are just as bad for allowing it. What a sick world this is

MEME: Japan and vaccines