Saturday, 30 June 2018

WISDOM: Being naked

The naked body glorifies its Creator

"Is not nakedness the indecent? No, not inherently. It is your thought, your sophistication, your fear, your respectability, that is indecent. There come moods when these clothes of ours are not only too irksome to wear, but are themselves indecent. Perhaps indeed he or she to whom the free exhilarating ecstasy of nakedness in Nature has never been eligible (and how many thousands there are!) has not really known what purity is---nor what faith or art or health really is."     
---Walt Whitman

"Let us proclaim the truth of our bodily dignity by refusing to satisfy the jealousy of the evil one, hiding our bodies as if they were something shameful. God created us to glorify Him. He created us unclothed. Let us glorify Him then, by our nakedness, seeing therein His glory and our true nobility."
---Jim C. Cunningham

Adam and Eve entered the world naked and unashamed---naked and pure-minded. And no descendant of theirs has ever entered it otherwise. All have entered it naked, unashamed, and clean in mind. They entered it modest. They had to acquire immodesty in the soiled mind, there was no other way to get it."
---Mark Twain

 "It seems almost inherent in human beings that when you are thriving for a certain level of spirituality, you tend to reject clothes, and the implied need to hide yourself."
---Jim Dodge

"Warning: Clothing has been shown to cause extreme psychological dependence. Wear it at your own risk."
---Ben Thornton

 "People look more beautiful, God-like and dignified to me when they are naked... Nothing is more beautiful, therefore, than a naked person. If we don’t see it that way, then we do not have God’s perspective."
---Jim C. Cunningham

 "Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?"
---Jesus, Matthew 6:25

 "Your clothes conceal much of your beauty, yet they hide not the unbeautiful. And though you seek in garments the freedom of privacy, you may find in them a harness and a drain. Would that you could meet the sun and the wind with more of your body and less of your raiment."
---Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

 "The main hangup in the world today is hypocrisy and insecurity. If people can't face up to the fact of other people being naked, or whatever they want to do, then we're never going to get anywhere. People have got to become aware that it's none of their business and that being nude is not obscene. Being ourselves is what's important. If everyone practised being themselves instead of pretending to be what they aren't, there would be peace."
---John Lennon

 "Sometimes I like to run naked in the moonlight and the wind, on a little trail behind our house, when the honeysuckle blooms. It's a feeling of freedom, so close to God and nature."
---Dolly Parton

 "There's something therapeutic about nudity. Clothing is one of the external things about a character. Take away the Gucci or Levis and we're all the same."
---Kevin Bacon

 "And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."
---Genesis 2:25

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