Saturday, 13 April 2024

MEME: Spiritual - consciousness


MEME: Life - don't give up


MEME: Politics


MEME: God - why me


After the contest for Job's soul was over and God wins, Job falls to his knees and says God why have you done this to me? All my life I worshipped you and yet you destroyed my livestock, you've blighted my crops, you've killed my wife and my children. You gave me 100 horrible diseases and all because you had a bet going with the devil. Well ok, but all I want to know Lord is, all your humble servant wants to know is why me ?

Job waits and just when he's about convinced himself that God is not going to answer him, a thunderhead forms in the sky, lightning flashes and a voice calls down

 - Job, I guess there's just something about you that pisses me off 

From Storm of the Century

INFO: Vaccines - H5N1 bird flu plandemic is coming

Watch: Bird Flu Vaccines ‘Ready for Mass Production’

Watch: Bird Flu Vaccines ‘Ready for Mass Production’ • Children's Health Defense ( 


" H5N1, this is the brainiac virus. This virus is the most intelligent, deadly weapon that's ever been released. There's nothing like it "

LISTEN FROM 20min point 

Dr. Bill Deagle – Granada Forum 2006 – Part 1 of 4 (

Friday, 12 April 2024

MEME: Vaccines and hate speech


MEMES (2) Biden and inflation

MEMES (6) Funny


MEMES (7) Food, health, cancer


MEME: Hell


MEME: Children


MEME: Covid vaccines criminals - arrest on sight


MEME: The great awakening


MEME: Government and media


MEME: Masks - people are fucking idiots


MEME: Climate hoax - the hypocrisy eh


Thursday, 11 April 2024

MEME: Critical thinking


MEME: Your independent Spirit


MEME: Great evil in the world


MEME: Animals - dogs


MEME: Paedos


MEME: Science


MEME: Covid vaccines - adverse reactions


MEMES (5) Food and health


MEME: Government


MEME: Transgender


MEME: UK - died suddenly vaccine deaths


MEME: Pfizer


MEME: Fauci


MEME: USA and immigration


MEME: Biden


MEME: Japan and vaccines