Friday, 5 January 2024

MEME: Evil


MEME: USA - chemtrails


MEME: Viruses


MEME: Crazy


MEME: Anger


ART: Jesus


MEME: Communism


MEME: Black swan event

 "black swan event" 

 ian unpredictable and rare event with an extreme, paradigm-shifting impact on the wider world.

MEME: Earth angels


MEME: Vatican - the den of vipers


Book of Matthew - " You snakes, you nest of vipers " Jesus - You "brood of vipers" Psalm 58:4-5: "Their venom is like the venom of a snake, like that of a cobra " Cathars called the Vatican the Synagogue of Satan

MEME: Epstein client list from the Court


MEMES (5) Epstein

MEME: Alone


ART: Bill Clinton and Epstein


The ignorant masses laugh at this photo, think nothing of it RED SHOE CLUB - those awake understand exactly what this sick and fucking evil art is depicting. Its way worse than child abuse. To be in the Red Shoe Club, you have to rape a child, kill the child and then eat the child. It is the most "Elite" club in the world. Bill Clinton merits being hung, drawn and quartered

MEME: Child abuse and adrenochrome


MEME: Japan and vaccines