Friday, 16 November 2018

WISDOM: Extract from Hesiod - Work and Days, very apt

Extract from Hesiod, Works and Days: " For now truly is a race of iron, and men never rest from labour and sorrow by day, and from perishing by night; and the gods shall lay sore trouble upon them. But, notwithstanding, even these shall have some good mingled with their evils. And Zeus will destroy this race of mortal men also when they come to have grey hair on the temples at their birth. The father will not agree with his children, nor the children with their father, nor guest with his host, nor comrade with comrade; nor will brother be dear to brother as aforetime. Men will dishonour their parents as they grow quickly old, and will carp at them, chiding them with bitter words, hard-hearted they, not knowing the fear of the gods. They will not repay their aged parents the cost their nurture, for might shall be their right: and one man will sack another's city. There will be no favour for the man who keeps his oath or for the just or for the good; but rather men will praise the evil-doer and his violent dealing. Strength will be right and reverence will cease to be; and the wicked will hurt the worthy man, speaking false words against him, and will swear an oath upon them. Envy, foulmouthed, delighting in evil, with scowling face, will go along with wretched men one and all. 
And then Aidos and Nemesis, with their sweet forms wrapped in white robes, will go from the wide-pathed earth and forsake mankind to join the company of the deathless gods: and bitter sorrows will be left for mortal men, and there will be no help against evil."  

Source -

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

WISDOM: Difference between wanderers and tourists

When we repeat the same activities day in and day out, we limit our ability to have new experiences. Over time our bodies, senses, and brains start to atrophy. Our world becomes smaller and smaller until we are living in a tiny little box. Society likes us to exist in this box because it makes our behavior predictable. If our behavior is predictable, society is more able to sell us things that we don’t need. We tell ourselves that the box is okay, that it is safe, but really the box is a little prison.
Deep satisfaction, a sense of fulfillment , new experiences , tangibility , a direct experience of life , connection - these are the things our soul is really seeking . We cannot experience these things by staying in the same little box (literally or metaphorically). We need to push ourselves into new ways of seeing and thinking, alter our course regularly, use all of our senses during our explorations, forgot what we know, question things, wake ourselves up.
To illustrate this essential openness, we can look at the difference between WANDERERS and TOURISTS. Tourists make plans and a list of things they want to see, and plot out the day on a schedule. If the plans fall through or do not go the way intended, suffering is the result.
The wanderer does not plan but lets experience tell him or her what will happen, what direction to go in. There are no set criteria to follow. There is no predictability because the path is subject to change at any moment. This openness makes the wanderer much more adaptable and resilient - wanderers are able to enjoy the moment whatever it is. If new experiences present themselves, the wanderer is able to go with the flow.
As wanderers we are not looking for the absence of routine. We are looking to incorporate more spontaneity into our life with the goal of opening ourselves up to the unknown. Life is an experiment. To wander is to seek the unexpected.
Does the act of doing something without purpose challenge you a little? Good. Be courageous and wander, to seek the truth.
~Keri Smith, The Wander Society

MEME: Japan and vaccines