Thursday, 28 June 2018

QUOTE: The task is to remember you're uniquely special

The task is to recognize that you are uniquely special, have something to give, some talent no one else shares in quite the same way. This gift needs to blossom so we can appreciate and enjoy the benefits of it and acknowledge you for it.  You owe this to yourself and to all of us to honor your gifts, for only when you share your unique joy with the world does the entire world benefit. Every advance humankind has known has come because of someone's effort. Don't let shyness rob you and the world of the power and the passion that lies within you. No one can be all that you will be except you yourself.  Follow your passion.

~Joel Garfinkle


The struggle to excavate your true, authentic self from beneath the mountain
of conditioning and ridiculous expectation is the epic struggle of your lifetime.

~Bryant McGill
(Simple Reminders)

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MEME: Japan and vaccines