Thursday, 24 February 2022

MEME: Don't fight your demons


MEME: Govt and emergency powers


MEME: This is good versus evil


MEME: CDC This is dystopian


MEME: The Truth is


MEME: Make Nth.America great again


MEME: Obama - I spied on Americans


MEME: Masks - death by medicine


MEME: Maxwell suicide note


MEME: If you're still wearing masks


Tuesday, 22 February 2022

MEMES (2) Warrior


MEMES (3) Funny


MEME: Here to create history


MEME: Cryptocurrency


MEME: I just study the philosophies


MEME: If the Truth offends you


GIF: Fauci, fuck off and hang


MEME: Look at the time


MEME: Look at the time


MEME: the WEF satanic network


MEME: Canadian police goons


MEME: Police painful truth - order followers


MEME: Japan and vaccines