Friday, 8 March 2024

MEME: Wisdom - surrender your ego


MEME: Wisdom - native american


MEME: Bible prophecy


MEME: Spiritual - kundalini


MEME: Wisdom - life


MEME: Wild fires and directed energy weapons

 Are we seeing the Book of Revelations prophecy being fulfilled ? 

Revelation 7:3 - Do not harm the land or sea or "trees" until we have sealed the foreheads of the servants of our God.

MEME: Electric car


MEME: War and plandemic


MEME: USA - immigration


MEMES (2) USA elections


PIC - The old Biden and the impersonator

 Hummm, what's worse ? That the 2020 US election was stolen by "Biden? "

Or that a Biden impersonator was installed in this coup d'état and no one even noticed it was a fake Biden made President? And where is the real Joe Biden ?

Thursday, 7 March 2024

MEME: Life - we are travelers


MEME: Food - gardening


The Iroquois had been planting three sisters gardens for hundreds of years. 

This trio forms a perfect symbiotic relationship:

  1. The corn – native, grain corn varieties serve as a perfect pole for growing beans.
  2. The squash’s broad leaves shade the roots of the corn, keeping the ground soft and cool.

All three, when planted in the right variety, are harvested together in the fall and can be stored through the winter. All three, eaten together, create a balanced diet. It’s no wonder, then, that these three plants were considered sacred.

Companion Planting: Three Sisters Native American Garden (

MEME: Soul


MEME: Death penalty


MEME: Native american - animals


MEME: Universe


MEMES (2) Television - great awakening


MEME: USA - vaccines




MEME: Japan and vaccines