Thursday, 20 July 2023

VIDEO: Covid 19 vaccines a bioweapon

 This video is one of several videos we are calling the COVID Truth Educational Series. It has been put together in a step by step educational format. The purpose of these videos is to help clear up the confusion of the lies that have been told to the public through the COVID agenda. We believe that educating people about the truth of what was done to the human population through COVID is the best defense humanity has against this ever happening again, and those who planned COVID are definitely planning to do something again in the near future.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023


MEME: Wisdom - fitting in


VIDEO: Dentists using nano-tech, stew peters

Mat Taylor is back with Stew to detail recent discoveries he observed under a microscope showing nanotech inside dental anesthetics.

Examinations of dental drugs from 2019 and before the pandemic showed zero nanotechnology.
The same self-assembling circuitry found in the covid bioweapon are also in dental numbing agents.
If nanotech is in dental drugs used for anesthesia then it’s likely also in the drugs used for other surgeries.

 Report: Nanotech Found In Dental Anesthetics: Nanotech Found In Vaxx Also Observed In Dental Drugs – Stew Peters

MEME: Japan and vaccines