Wednesday, 9 August 2023

MEME: Wisdom - critical thinking


MEME: Getting old - life wisdom


VIDEO: Australia, vaccines, covid 19 military op

Did the Medical Countermeasures Consortium run COVID?

The Australian, American, British & Canadian military forces formed this consortium to dominate COVID response. Australia joined the consortium in 2012 under the Labor-Gillard government. A military-pharmaceutical apparatus linking the USA, Australia, Canada and the UK. Operation Warp Speed: The US Department of Defense signed the first contract between the US government and Pfizer for the purchase of US$11 billion dollars worth of vaccines. We know our Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) did not review stage 2/3 trial data and instead relied on the US FDA, which took Pfizer's word for how the trials went! Pfizer committed systemic fraud during its trials, which has come out now through whistle-blowers' testimony and in the release of Pfizer's own data.

10min - (2) Did the Medical Countermeasures Consortium run COVID? - YouTube

ART: Jesus - Yeshua

 Yeshua, the most beautiful name of all! It's the name that is above every name and it's in His name that we are saved. It's the name that those who have been made righteous by his blood

 - Praise His most Holy Name

Monday, 7 August 2023

MEME: Climate change hoax - Rogan and Carlson

The ice cores of Earth's history reveals that thousands of years ago, the levels of CO2 were higher than today and temperatures too were also higher... Earth is still here, mankind is still here

Joe Rogan with Randall Carlson on Climate Change 3hr interview -

MEME: Masks and bacterial pneumonia


MEME (1) NIH - Ivermectin is a cure for corona


MEME: Government rulers


MEME: Television mind control


MEMES (4) Tradition and homesteading

MEME: Silence and evil - How will God judge you ?


MEME: Adrenochrome child trafficking


MEME: Electric car


MEME: War and lies of the media