Saturday, 22 January 2022

MEME: Paid my hydro bill today


MEME: Dating pool of 2022


MEME: We squint at the sun


MEME: Me supporting the awakening


GIF: Sun twist


MEME: Should I get a booster


MEME: Use of Fear to control population


GIF: Wake up the sheeple


MEME: If a guide dog judges that


MEME: Me explaining to triple jabbed


MEME: Tell me your deepest fantasy


MEME: Vaccines - don't be uneducated parent


MEME: UK Vaccine Emergency Crime Number


MEME: If you're not speaking out


MEME: She smells like sage


MEME: Seeking hostile woman


ART: Funny waterboarding


ART: The CDC credibility


MEME: When Biden/trump vaccines


MEME: BoJo - Important announcement


Metropolitan Police Crime Number: 6029679/21
Hugely significant allegations have been made of serious crimes being committed by a number of UK Government ministers, civil servants, heads of news networks etc.

Crimes cited are misfeasance and misconduct in public office, conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm, conspiracy to administer a poisonous and noxious substance to cause serious harm and death, gross negligence manslaughter, corporate manslaughter, corruption, fraud, blackmail, murder, conspiracy to commit murder, terrorism, genocide, torture, crimes against humanity, false imprisonment, multiple breaches of human rights, war crimes, multiple breaches of The Nuremberg Code 1947, multiple breaches of The Human Rights Act 1998, treason will also be added.
The UK's biggest criminal investigation is now live. Hammersmith CID and The Metropolitan Police have accepted and are reviewing 1000's of pages of evidence and have agreed there is enough to proceed. All UK police forces have been made aware of this investigation.
The case was lodged on 20th December 2021 by a group including Dr Sam White, lawyer Philip Hyland (PJH Law), Lawyer Lois Bayliss (Broad Yorkshire Law) and retired policeman Mark Sexton. Requests for assistance have been made to international lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr (nephew of J F Kennedy), Dr Reiner Fuellmich (German lawyer who exposed the Volkswagen Audi emissions scandal), Dr Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer Vice President), plus countless other doctors, professors, virologists, NHS whistle-blowers, biologists, data experts and lawyers nationally and internationally; some of whom have already made direct contact with the UK police and were acknowledged by Superintendent Simpson (Assistant to Cressida Dick, Head of The Metropolitan Police).

GIF: Crab - become ungovernable


MEME: We survived 2021


MEME: They haven't saved your lives


Tuesday, 18 January 2022

ART: Leo


MEME: Signs of mineral deficiencies


MEME: A friendly reminder


MEME: Gates - exterminator via vaccines


MEME: That moment when you witness


MEME: I am not afraid to die


MEME: Biden is a child molester


MEME: Massive spike in cancer post jabs


MEME: UK Sajid Javid is a banker


MEME: Cheers to everyone


MEME: To those of you that


MEME: Biden, imagine supporting


MEME: Remember kids about strangers and drugs


MEME: Me and my demon vibing


MEME: When they say gain of function


GIF: Bojo and Truth


MEME: Fauci complaining on death threats


MEME: Understand the gravity of situation


MEME: Vaccine injured sports people


MEME: Masks do work


MEME: Japan and vaccines