Saturday, 13 July 2024

MEME: Trump


MEME: Tyranny


MEME: Television brainwashing


MEME: Truth


MEME: Smart phone


MEME: Sleeping


MEME: Racism


MEME: Propaganda


MEME: Being offended - we live in a time


MEME: Government


MEME: Communism




Friday, 12 July 2024

MEME: Truth


MEME: Climate change


MEME: Government - guns




MEMES (2) USA - nov 5th

MEME: Gender ideology - toxic as fuck


MEME: Bird flu

 As chickens don't fly, how does bird flu spread?

MEME: USA - George bush


MEME: Hemp


MEME: Trump and Gates


MEME: Vaccines


MEME: Politicians


MEME: Lies


MEME: Racism




MEME: Death cult


MEME: Talmudic jews - ya learn something new

According to Talmudic Jews, paedophilia is ok

According to Islam, paedophilia and child brides is ok

Both religions claim their "holy" books are from God But Jesus in the Holy Bible condemns such evil and recommends such people are killed - “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea."

MEME: Memes and media


MEME: USA - media lying whores


MEMES (3) Transgender - a mental illness


MEME: Freedom


MEME: Climate change - nobel prize winners


MEME: USA - voting ID


MEME: Covid vaccines

Adults to children - Never take sweets from strangers

Also adults - lets get injected with God only knows what from strangers in car parks 😜

MEME: Bird flu scamdemic - coming soon


MEME: Trump


MEMES (9) Biden - what a train wreck


MEME: Japan and vaccines