Tuesday, 11 June 2024

MEME: Politicians and television


MEME: Politicians and elections


MEME: Sports - covid vaccines heart attacks


MEME: Bird flu - mainstream media


MEME: Hunter biden - what about the laptop


MEME: Fauci - well deserved


MEME: US Court - covid vaccines aren't vaccines


MEME: USA - value of dollar


MEME: Wisdom - belief


MEME: Biden corruption


MEME: Fauci and beagles


Sunday, 9 June 2024

INFO+ VID: UK - Covid genocide continues


MEME: Truth


MEME and INFO: : Fauci - and all the criminals

Here are - the names of men and women occupying high-level positions in US government or collaborating private sector entities, or who occupied such positions earlier in the development and deployment of the global Covid-19 bioterrorism campaign.

143 people named - Alphabetical by last name, followed by the government title and the list of crimes at the end. LINK - https://bailiwicknewsarchives.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/2023.02.23-war-criminals-pdf.pdf

MEME+INFO - UK and Islam truths

" As many as one million white English children may have been the victims of Muslim rape gangs, better known as grooming gangs, in towns up and down Great Britain. "

" it's not just sexual abuse. It is unspeakable levels of violence, victims being raped with knives, victims being raped with bottles, victims having their tongues nailed to tables. " LINK - https://www2.cbn.com/news/world/easy-meat-britains-muslim-rape-gang-cover



MEME: Gardening and CO2 - climate change a hoax


MEME: Health and gym


MEME: Open borders = invasion


MEME: Television


MEMES (4) Health and parasites


MEME: Japan and vaccines