Thursday, 8 November 2018

QUOTE: Deep in my heart, I am a loner

Deep in my heart I know I am a loner. I have tried to blend in with the world or be more sociable, but the more people I meet the more disappointed I am. So I’ve learned to enjoy myself, my family, and a few good friends.
— Steven Aitchison

Sunday, 4 November 2018

QUOTE: You can tell how dangerous a person is by

You can tell how dangerous a person is by the way they hold their anger inside themselves quietly. - Unknown

QUOTE: You are most powerful when silent

You are most powerful when you are most silent. People never expect silence. 
They expect words, motion, defense, offense, back and forth. They expect to leap into the fray. They are ready, fists up, words hanging leaping from their mouths. Silence? No.

Alison McGhee, All Rivers Flow To The Sea

MEME: Bird flu