Wednesday, 16 May 2018

WISDOM: You were being spiritual without knowing it (courtesy of AOM)

You were being spiritual without even knowing it.  Creating art of any kind is an act that involves the part of our souls we usually don't tap into on a daily basis.  We rely on our emotions, our intuition and our heart to lead us to the finished product.  We use art to express our innermost selves, to bring us closer to our sense of the divine.

The trouble is, most of us haven't done anything creative since we cut out paper snowflakes in third grade.  "I was never any good at it," we say.  Or, "My stuff will never hang on a museum wall, so what's the point?"  It's so easy to neglect the artist in us because most of day-to-day living is so uncreative.  We don't need art to raise the kids or attend a meeting or pay the bills, so we assume that it's non-essential for all but the few people lucky enough to be able to make a living at it.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.  If anything, we need to express ourselves through art more now as adults than we did as children.  For one thing, it's a terrific release for stress-- when you're totally engrossed in capturing a still life or shaping a clay bowl, the rest of the world automatically shuts itself out.

~Shana Aborn

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