Friday, 18 May 2018

LOVE: 24 Red flags not to ignore

Full breakdown -

1. They can't stop telling you how perfect you are.

2. Their sex drive is much higher or lower than yours.

3. They push your physical boundaries in "innocent" ways.

4. They rush a new relationship forward too quickly.

5. They try to drive a wedge between you and your family and friends.

6. They roll their eyes at you a lot.

7. They describe all their exes as "crazy." 

8. They call you names in arguments

9. They have no work ethic.

10. They're cruel to their parents.

11. Their attitude changes on a dime.

12. They're on a different sleep schedule than you are.

13. They're secretive about little things.

14. They cheated on their last partner...with you.

15. They demand your phone, email and social media passwords.

16. They guilt trip you every chance they get.

17. They have different financial values than you and refuse to do anything about it.

18. They make you feel stupid.

19. They make fun of you during sex.

20. They refuse to make your relationship public.

21. They need constant reassurance.

22. They have a different idea than you of what it means to be faithful.

23. They hold you to a double standard.

24. They're incapable of apologizing.

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