Friday, 18 May 2018

LOVE: 25 Qualities to have without compromising your real Self

1. Sense of Humour:
Aside from being able to sustain an intelligent conversation, someone who can make us laugh while keeping the conversation going will definitely appeal more to our eyes. A sense of humour is one of the most mentioned qualities about a person when asked what they find attractive in a person.

2. Loyalty:
A sense of trust and commitment is something that most people look for in a potential partner. If someone really fancies you, or sees you as a potential partner trying to woo their affection, loyalty will be a big factor. Someone you are chasing does not want to think that while you are chasing them you also are chasing a bunch of other people.  So stick to romancing one person at a time, and let the object of your affection know it’s all about them.

3. Confidence:
We find confident people more attractive. Confidence gives us a sense that they know who they are and what they want. It rubs off on us and gives us a feeling of security. Furthermore, people who are more confident treat others well and have healthy boundaries for themselves. It is just plain easier to be around people who are sure of themselves.  Be that person, and others will be drawn to you.

4. Spontaneous:
Planning is great, and an organized partner is awesome, but there has to be a certain level of spontaneity in dating that might not be seen otherwise. There are times when even the best laid plans go awry; someone who can think on the spot makes life a little more exciting.

5. Honesty:
We all want someone who is honest. Someone who speaks the truth and does what they say. When they make a mistake, they will own up to their mistake and apologize.  Honesty creates authenticity in a relationship. Being honest will save you a lot of headache.

6. Passionate:
We look for someone who is passionate and will share that passion with us. They can be passionate about the relationship or they can be passionate about their goals or dreams.  Simply being passionate makes life more vibrant.  Find what lights your passion, and don’t be surprised when others start being more interested in you!

7. Curious:
Curiosity is one of the most important features in the human relationship. We want someone who isn’t so set in their ways that they shut out outside thought or learning. We are drawn to be with a person who shares our curiosity about life, or about certain things – particularly one another – that isn’t shared with anyone else. It creates uniqueness in the relationship.

8. Emotionally Grounded:
We want to be with someone who is emotionally grounded. That means not getting too detached  too quickly, being able to maintain an even-keel, and ultimately keeping balance throughout most phases of life. Granted, all people have moments where emotions get the best of them. However not being a ‘ticking time-bomb’ is definitely an ever-important feature in a person we look to develop a relationship with.

9. Realistic and Optimistic:
This requires a balance. We want to be with someone who is positive about living, but at the same time realistic about the things that happen. Life is random and cannot be planned from start to finish without changes along the way being necessary. Ultimately being with someone who can show us the positive side of things, even when things are going downward, or trending in ways we don’t enjoy, is important.

10. Athleticism:
We look for someone who is physically matched to our lifestyles. We also look for someone who, on a primal level, would make a good mate. This is what drives many of our desires as humans, and animals generally speaking. Also, we want someone who is in tune with the lifestyle we live.

11. Speaks their Mind:
We all want to love someone who can call us out when necessary. Being honest when it’s difficult is what make us understand how much someone cares. This is a vital part of building a healthy relationship because it spurs an open and honest conversation about what matters, especially regarding day-to-day activities. Do keep in mind, however, that it is important to stay balanced when offering a critique. It is important to maintain an even stream between the two.

12. Romantic/Loving:
We also want to be with someone who is affectionate. The reasons are fairly obvious, but we want to be in a relationship with someone who cares about us as much as we care about them. It also comes down to being with someone who desires to be with us, and that’s where this romantic, or loving portion comes into the equation.

13. Intelligence:
We look for someone who can keep up with us emotionally and intellectually. We prefer someone who is equal, for a lack of a better term, in their ability to understanding us and the world in general. We also want someone who will help us grow as a person.

14. Creative:
Creativity adds spice to life, and being with a creative person certainly can make things more fun and interesting. Not necessarily conventionally creative, with art and words, but creative in a day-to-day scene. Someone who comes up with fun dates, who plays around with food and so on. Someone who makes life more interesting through being original.

15. Open-Minded, Experimental:
We want someone who loves trying new things, whether it be in the bedroom, a new recipe, a new workout or on date night. It does not have to be anything big, just enough to make our lives feel more rewarding. A lot of relationships fall a part because one or both parties become stuck in their ways and refuse to explore new ideas or things to do. Someone who can stay open to change and adapt to the tides of a relationship will be much more attractive as a partner.

16. Shares Common Interest
Even though unnecessary, it would be nice to engage in fun activities that both enjoy or can talk about. A lot of relationships blossom over initial shared interest, such as having similar musical preferences, studying the same major at college, or having similar outlooks on life and hopes for the future. Common interest is what builds an authentic relationship. It also ensures that when the relationship faces difficulty, you will have a base of commonality and friendship which you can reconnect and rebuild on.

17. Empathetic
This is so important. We want someone who is not a robot and can understand our emotions. Someone who can identify with how we are feeling, and – very importantly – who helps us feel understood.  Many relationships last for a long time simply because each side can understand the other.  When people are empathetic, they can understand what we are going through and act in ways that support us, instead of behaving hurtfully out of self-interest.

18. Ambitious
We want someone who is working hard towards something, whether it be the relationship, their career, or personal goals. Similar to being with someone who is passionate, having a partner with ambition makes a relationship much more vibrant. It adds the extra pull of direction and can help push the other partner to grow and explore their own ambitions. Furthermore, individuals who are ambitious are also more likely to work on a relationship when it gets rough.

19. Mature or Wise
When we are young we don’t really mind if our partner is mature or not, as we probably aren’t that mature either. But as days go on, we want someone who grows with the relationship. Someone who can maneouver around the changes in life and still keep the relationship alive. For example, sticking with a relationship even after entering post-secondary, or moving away for a job. We need someone who is prepared for these things. Often that’s why we go for people who demonstrate a certain level of maturity.

20. Be Willing To Apologize
This one is pretty straight forward. We want someone who will apologize when they do something wrong, and not someone who has a big ego.  There’s a saying that apologizing does not always mean you are wrong, but that you value the relationship more than your ego. This is really true. There are times when, even if you feel that you are right about something, you should apologize if you have have hurt the other person.

21. Brave
We want someone who can stand up for what is right. Being brave is not about putting up a false front and fighting for lost cause. We want someone who knows the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong, and who will act accordingly.

22. Thoughtful
We want someone who remembers the important dates. Someone who pays attention to what matters. Someone who is not aloof and really cares about us.

23. Kind and Compassionate
Being kind and considerate is a given. When someone puts others before themselves, it’s very attractive. Studies even show that when we see other people express acts of kindness, it motivates us to want to do good things too. Being around such people will teach us the importance of life, and make us better people.

24. Skilled
Of course, if you are good at something that makes you attractive too. For example, being skilled with a musical instrument or in customer service. Whatever the skill, it demonstrates your commitment to personal development. Someone who is working hard to be good at something is attractive. 

25. Loves Their Parents
Someone who loves their parents is also attractive. It shows that you have a sense of gratitude towards life. It also hints at what you will be like as a prospective partner. Will you be someone who cares about your family or someone who doesn’t? Being family oriented is very attractive.

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