Friday, 18 May 2018

LOVE: Everything is about taking chances

Everything’s about taking chances and falling down, getting back up. life doesn’t slow down for anyone. people will say who cares if you hurts you and it’s true because throughout it all, it will only make you stronger. when you were little your parents wanted to protect you and make sure you didn’t break a bone. but now you have to protect yourself, your heart. and that’s one thing that’s not physically breakable. 

It can hurt mentally, maybe physically, but you can’t break your heart, you can only get hurt. everyone’s going to tell you to get over it. why? because when you do it’s the best feeling. you don’t cry at night or in the shower wondering where it went wrong. you don’t hide away from people, you do what you like to do. getting hurt doesn’t mean it’s permanent. it’s temporary pain. it might take; days, weeks, months, years even. but each day you’ll wake up smiling more and more each day. and it’s such a beautiful thing to find peace in simplicity. 
When you find yourself again out of all the damage you can’t help but embrace it. but the thing about life is that it ends sometimes and from the moment we are born, we are meant to die.
I don’t mean like when you take your first breath you choke but from when you’re 1 day old till you 92 years old you’re bound to die. in the real world there aren’t any vampires, beasts, werewolves. life is meant to be lived to its fullest. lose and gain friends. lose and gain relationships. but never lose yourself in all of it. the point of life is to die happy doing the things you wanted to do. tell your crush you like them, tell your friend you don’t like the way they treat you. go to your crush, tell them you like them, kiss them even. life’s all about taking risks. 

We’re meant to be something. our lives should mean something. so do something about it. ever bullied? stand up for yourself, fight back. your friendships are falling apart? try to fix them or find new ones. he or she cheated on you? find someone who will love you unconditionally. instead of hiding on the side-walk, run in the road. 

Instead of not believing in yourself, go do whatever it is you say you can’t do. take risks. follow your dream. do you. don’t let anyone tell you not to. live your life the way you want to remember it. live it happily.
— don’t ever lose yourself

Source - fix me please

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