Friday, 18 May 2018

LOVE: 23 signs that he is into you

#1. He makes a lot of eye contact.

Looking at people when you talk to them is not just a sign of respect. Rather, it’s also a sign of interest. Does he look your way across a crowded room? If that’s the case, he is probably curious about you and wants to observe the things you do.

#2. He smiles when he talks to you.

According to history, smiling was a way to show strangers that you are not a threat. Today, we smile to attract others and appear likeable. Think of the people that we tend to smile for. This includes people that are close and familiar to us.

#3. He remembers the small details of your conversations.

Does he remember the names of your childhood pets? Your siblings and friends? That time when you went to summer camp in 6th grade? When he listens and remember the things you say, he is making an effort to get to know you better.

#4. He messages you out of the blue.

Does he send you spontaneous text messages throughout the day? This means that he is not afraid to initiate conversation with you and that he is thinking of you. Pay attention to how he composes them. Does he end the message with a smiley face?

#5. He texts you back right away and apologizes when it has taken him a long time to reply.

A good sign! He is excited to hear from you and wants to keep talking. When a guy texts you back right away, it shows that he is interested and that he doesn’t want to leave you hanging. If he replies late and explains why, he is showing consideration for you and your time.

#6. He asks you about your romantic life/history.

When he asks about your love life, he wants to know what type of guys you are interested in and the qualities you are looking for in a significant other. Pay attention if he asks you about other guys. Maybe he is trying to show you that he is a better fit for you than they are.

#7. He makes an effort to get along with your family.

Meeting your family in the early stages of getting to know each other may be intimidating. Especially if you have brothers! Notice that he wants to make a good impression on your family by finding out what he and your family members have in common. He will also show enthusiasm when they share stories about you. If you’re meeting at your house, he may bring something as a gracious guest.

#8. He makes an effort to get along with your friends.

He can remember who your best friends are and how you became friends with them. He knows their unique quirks and the three things they would take to a desert island if they were stranded there. When a guy tries to get to know your friends better, he wants them to think well of him because he knows that they are the ones you’ll talk to about him.

#9. He introduces you to his family, especially his mom.

Pay attention to how he treats his sisters (if he has any) and his mom, because he is likely to treat you the same way. If his family says something like “We have heard so much about you”, then he probably has told them all about you. Don’t be embarrassed though. If anything, he really likes you and is really excited for you to finally meet them.

#9a. He introduces you to his friends.

He is not shy to talk about you in front of his friends and doesn’t mind that they try to embarrass him when you’re around. He wants you to meet his friends to show that he is a friendly, social guy. When he lets you meet his friends, he is welcoming you to see another side of him and be a part of his life.

#10. He includes you in his plans.

He may drop hints saying that he is free on a certain night and ask you if you want to do something together. If you have known each other for a longer time, you may hear “I” statements turn into “we” statements. What are we doing this weekend? 

#11. He compliments you.

He notices your new haircut and says that it look good on you. He says he likes your sense of style, or the way you think. When he compliments you, he is trying to stay on your good side. At the same time, this shows that he is learning to appreciate things about you that he didn’t see before.

#12. He does nice things for you, without being asked.

He plans a surprise party for all your close friends and family on your birthday with all your favorite foods. When you’re having a bad day, he brings you small treats and tries to make you laugh. His thoughtfulness shows that he cares about you. When he does these nice things for you, it’s because he genuinely wants to, not because he is forced to.

#13. He makes an effort to look nice.

He grooms himself well before a date. He dresses nicely when you go out together, wearing crisp shirts and well-fitting jeans. Obviously, he wants to impress by showing you that he can take care of himself. He also doesn’t want you to be ashamed to be seen out in public with him.

#14. He is honest with you.

You can ask him about anything under the sun. He gives you his opinions on everyday matters and tells you about his personal life. At the same time, he is not afraid to discuss his most embarrassing moments, beliefs and aspirations in great detail. If he is open and willing to talk to you about such deep topics, this means that he trusts you and wants to know if your thinking styles and beliefs are compatible with his further down the road.

#15. He finds excuses to be near you.

When both of you are in the company of other people, does he angle his body in your direction or try to sit close to you? When we meet people for the first time, we tend to keep our distance from them. As we get to know them better, we allow them into our personal space. The same goes for people we are interested in. We approach the ones that we are curious about.

#16. He makes time for you, and shows it.

Everyone is busy nowadays but if someone wants to see you, they will make time for you. He has a jam-packed schedule filled with client meetings and paperwork, but manages to call you up regularly. Even when he is busiest, he sends you something to let you know that he is thinking of you.

#17. He will let you take him shopping.

A lot of guys do not enjoy shopping because they say that it takes too much time. For them, it feels more like a chore than a hobby. A guy who lets you take him shopping and asks for your opinion on clothes aims to please. However, it’s not just shopping but an opportunity for him to spend the day with you!

#18. He finds reasons to touch you.

Learn to read his body language. It may be as subtle as an “accidental” hand graze as he brushes past you. Or it can be something more obvious. Does he put his arm around you during a movie?

#19. You are the first person he confides in when something happens.

He breaks the news to you when he finds out that he has gotten a new job, or a bad score on a test. He may seek your advice or simply want to share good news with you.

#20. He listens to you.

He is all ears when you tell him about how your day went. He listens actively and does not interrupt when you tell him about your feelings whether they are negative or positive ones. When you give your opinion about something, he clearly respects it, even if it differs from his own.

#21. He says so.

He can’t wait for you to pick up on all the signals he’s sending you so he asks to talk to you privately. Slowly but surely, he confesses his feelings for you. It’s obvious that he has put a lot of time and thought into this conversation. He tells you explicitly that he is interested and may ask you out.

#22. He seems nervous.

When he starts to have feelings for you either at the start or after a while, you may start noticing that he seems more nervous, anxious or acting strange around you. Perhaps, he’s starting to care a lot more about what you think of him, or the fact that he’s feeling uneasy about his realized feelings. At some point, he may even start avoiding you as he wants to suppress his feelings.

#23. He seems to be acting different or strange.

This point relates to the above. When he begins thinking of you of more than just a friend, he may start acting differently. You may in fact find him to becoming strange. He might start acting nicer, complimenting you more often, or doing nice things for you. The total opposite may happen too where he’s confused of his feelings or don’t want his feelings to become stronger. This leads him to avoiding you or becoming mean to you for no reasons.

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