Friday, 18 May 2018

WISDOM: Suicide - Channelled message from Robin Williams by Tara Greene

Robin is good, happy and whole now. He says he was totally healed from the pain he had endured while living by the outpouring of love from the world which he felt from his suicide right away. He made so many millions of people happy during his life and the loss, love and grief for him from so many hearts healed him but it also brought him pain and the realization that suicide was not the best choice to make. 

Robin’s advice. “It is easy to feel that your pain is all that there is, and that there is no way out. I know I lived with that pain in my soul my entire life. Nobody knew. But I couldn’t take it any more. I wanted it to stop, I wanted to escape from it. I was so overwhelmed by pain that I couldn’t even think that my suicide would cause so much pain to others, to my wife and kids, who I love so much and my good friends or anyone else. I am sorry for the pain I caused you all. I truly am. 

But now I know better, I know more. I am an immortal soul and so are you. My consciousness is eternal and that all the earthly pain is an illusion.  We are put on earth to deal with our pain and suffering and to have our characters’ and our soul’s strength tested. Ultimately it is all o.k. one way or the other in the bigger picture. There is no judgement except that which we create. We are free to create our own realities.

Religions make up stories about judgmental punishing God the father or great rewards in heaven but that is not the reality or the truth. It is much more abstract that that. 

It is non-physical, non-linear. It is mainly Light, we are like fractals, with sensations of peace and contentment. I am expansive, I am everywhere at once. I am everything.  
I am not human any more. Don’t be sad now. I know you miss me. I miss you all too. But I know I am closer to my dearest ones even more now. I can see right into their hearts and souls. I know everything about them. I know everything about you reading this and listening to me now. You are so beautiful.

I was lucky, I had given a lot, I had made people laugh. Laughter is truly a great medicine. Remember to laugh at life, remember to find humour and light even in the darkest hours. Even I forgot that lesson. I made people laugh because I needed to be loved.  Comedy was my gift and I used my talent because I was so desperate. I am grateful for that talent and the love that was returned to me was stupendous.

Others may not be so lucky. If people die by suicide, if they felt isolated, cut off, lonely, unloved, unwanted or rejected  it may be harder for them in the afterlife. Each one of us has our own journey. Ultimately we have eternity to learn and to grow in. And yes there are negative entities and “ghouls” which feed off of the suffering of others and keep them stuck there in the earth plane for their own selfish uses. 
Don’t be afraid of death because there is no death. This is not it- this lifetime. There are so many dimensions to explore and so many interesting people to talk to and an eternal amount of growth and learning. 

Death is the beginning of an entirely new exciting experience unlike anything you know on earth. Life is a very limited plane, very special but a narrow bandwidth. Come on up and explore vaster expanses. I’ll be waiting for you. I’m not saying suicide is O.K. It’s not o.k. it’s just that there is no eternal damnation for anyone. 
But it sure is awesomely beautiful. You can call it Heaven. But its beyond what most people’s descriptions of Heaven are.  It feels like the first time you understand  love or the birth of your first child, or the way you feel when you get that puppy you always wanted, or the most beautiful night sky that brings you total awe, multiply that by a million and you can get a sense of what it feels like on the Higher realms.

There is no time, everything is happening simultaneously. There is no man with a white beard as Christians are taught. And the Jews are not ” the chosen people.” They are no higher or better than the goyim. There are no virgins and unlimited wine for Muslims. There is no hell either. 

Jesus as a pure light of consciousness exists without a form, as does the Buddha nature and other really good people. It’s way more feminine, mother love unconditional pure love. Yes your departed ancestors are here in some form although they also exist in other monads, group souls and are themselves evolving to higher dimensions and reincarnating too.  And all kinds of people who are also learning and expanding from their “mistakes.” 

If they have killed or hurt others well they have to take responsibility for that. 
Beyond the earth plane there is peace and knowledge and learning and awe and wonder and unconditional love for all.
To bring love and joy to others is the greatest gift we can have. To love yourself is an even greater task. 

Just wanna tell you to keep smiling. Make ’em laugh whenever you can. Life is a gift no matter how hard it may seem. Always honour your feelings, tell the truth, live life to the fullest, believe in yourself, tell people you love them and better yet show people you love them every day. Sing the praises of the beauty in the world. 

Gotta go now. Speak to you again soon, Love you, Robin.”


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