Friday, 18 May 2018

WISDOM: I am that person

I’m the person who always tried to make someone happy and give them a reason to live. I’m the person who willingly, and sometimes foolishly, sacrifices his own happiness for the sake of other people.
I’m someone who does the right thing even when it hurts. Someone who can look back at it all and realize what and how things went wrong. 
I’m the person who can give logical advice because I’ve been through hell and back and survived.
I also know now that I’m the person who speaks advice and words to people to comfort them. I know what to say and how to say it. 

I’m the person who says the things worth saying, because I wish they could be spoken to me. 
I’m there for people the way that I have rarely had people there for me. I’m willing to run a mile for someone to walk a step for me. 
I’m the person who can be surrounded by a lot of people and still feel alone, but other times can make solitude a wonderful thing. I’m the over-thinker; the person who struggles with anxiety and depression, but maintains poise most of the time.

I know who I am. Sometimes it’s a great thing, and I wear my skin proud. Other times, I want to curl up into a ball, hide, and try to convince myself that I hate everyone and everything. The in-between is the “who the fuck am I, what am I doing, what is this wtffff” part of my life.

Sometimes I’m the person who feels demanding and selfish. I believe I deserve happiness and that I’m an incredible being. Other times, I’m the person on the opposite; I feel ashamed and I want nothing more than to disappear and fade away. The person that tells themselves repeatedly that they’ve reaped what they’ve sown, and don’t deserve happiness.

I’m a person who goes through life slowly learning things, occasionally hitting a bump where the self-realization heightens. In a short period, I’m the person who learns what people take a lifetime to understand. 

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