Friday, 18 May 2018

QUOTE: I'm afraid to trust anyone anymore

I’m afraid to trust anyone anymore. I’m still learning how fucked up I am because of all of this. It’s all one day at a time and I’m still barely getting through each day. Nothing is healing me the way it used to. Nothing is making it hurt me less.
I’m glad you’re happy. I hope you stay happy. Maybe things were meant to fall apart suddenly like this. No one needs to see me the way you saw me. If keeping myself at a distance from everyone means that I can spare myself this feeling again, I’ll gladly keep it up. No one needs to see me for everything that I am again. It’s my fault for feeling as safe as I did. To not even be given the opportunity to apologize and to feel like such an enemy…because I fucked up once.

I’ll be better on my own. - Unknown

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