Thursday, 7 October 2021

PROPHECY - 3yr old child - Jesus the King is coming

 Child prophesying Jesus (The King) is coming

3min -

At midnight (hours before this video was taken) Lily woke us up, knocking and talking at her door. She was saying, with urgency, "Something's coming! Something's coming!" She elaborated on her dream vision later in the day. I managed to catch this video.

At 18 seconds after I take out her paci and I say "what?" she says, "The King." It also sound's like she says "Abba up, push you up" and "join Abba up" several times. I didn't teach her this. Excuse the poor angle, I was attempting to sneakily turn on and hide the camera. At the end, she bows 3 times...the number God uses for confirmation. The next day, she brought it up again (while I was getting her breakfast.) She said to me, "Mama, open up, because GOD is coming" and then proceeded to knock on the wall 3 times.

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