Thursday, 7 October 2021

WISDOM: VID - Corona Investigative Committee Summary findings

An update by Dr Fuellmich and his corona committee group investigation summary of findings which has reached its conclusion. These vaccines are being used to commit genocide of the human race.

So there you have it, there was no medical pandemic, the PCR tests and masks are useless, the corona is relatively harmless, the vaccines are dangerous and not needed. 

It was all a lock-step global hoax via governments, media, medical establishment and big pharma all working together in cahoots. This was a global con-job and the masses all fell for it, you got hoodwinked.

PLEASE NOTE - These vaccines are a slow burn kill, estimates are 2Billion will be dead within 3years

If you have been stupid to have these death jabs, your clock is now ticking down towards death.

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MEME: Japan and vaccines