Thursday, 26 July 2018

WISDOM: Name of Jesus is a title

The letter Shin looks like three small flames. This letter represents the flame of Divinity, what is sometimes called Holy Spirit or Ruach El-oh-heem. 
It is also known as Chi, Ki, Prana, Kundalini, Mana, Manitou and many others. If the letter Shin is placed in the center of the Tetragrammaton, we get the Pentagrammaton (five-letter name). This new word (Yud, Heh, Shin, Vahv, Heh) is a symbol representing the union of divine masculinity and femininity with physical masculinity and femininity by way of the Holy Spirit. 
Biblically, any person who would be a saviour or messiah to himself or herself must be able to unite Divinity with physicality and unite all opposites by way of the Holy Spirit Thus, any saviour must be this five-lettered name, the Pentagrammaton. If you pronounce the Pentagrammaton in Hebrew, it would be ‘Yeh-hah-shu-ah’ which is usually translated as Joshua. However, in Greek it became Yay-su which in English became ‘Jesus.’ 
 “Thus, the name Jesus is a title. Anyone can come to hold the title. The process described by the Pentagrammaton is that each of us must find our own union with Divinity. We cannot have a vicarious atonement. Each of us must be our own savior, our own messiah. Each of us must become 'Jesus.’ THIS IS A POLICY OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. We cause what happens in our lives. We are not victims of fate or some ‘Lords of Karma.’” 
(Excerpt of MODERN MAGICK by Donald Michael Kraig; Graphic by Trevor, 

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