Thursday, 26 July 2018

QUOTE: One day we eventually realise

We eventually realize that our partners, jobs, religions, possessions, trophies, bank balances, the fancy certificates on our walls, even our perfect bodies, won’t make us happy. Not permanently or completely happy anyway, not the kind of ever-present happiness we truly seek and know is possible.

This realization is dis-illusion-ment, the breaking-up of illusions, the falling away of childhood dreams, and it often manifests as depression, anxiety, existential nausea, despair, mid-life crises and addictions.

But disillusionment can be a wonderful thing. For contained within its sacred core is an invitation to go beyond all those worldly comforts and pleasures that never really delivered what they promised, and rediscover That which never changes – our true nature, our true content-ment prior to the ever-changing external content of our lives 
Jeff Foster, Falling In Love With Where You Are.

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