Thursday, 16 June 2022

INFORMATION: British doctors say stop toxic vaccine roll out

Researchers in Britain are calling on the government to halt the use of Covid-19 vaccines immediately after discovering toxic side effects.

Evidence is piling up that raises doubts about the safety and efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccines. A new report written by British doctors calls for a complete stop to the use of Covid-19 vaccines on humans because they are unsafe.

The doctors say that after examining official public health records, they have found several reported side effects of the vaccine including; bleeding and clotting, unexpected immune reactions, unusual pain reactions, neurological reactions, loss of sight, hearing, speech or smell, or adverse reactions affecting pregnancy including miscarriage. Researchers explained that the products in the vaccine are toxic to humans and called for an immediate halt to the vaccination program. They demanded a full investigation into these harmful effects. According to the Vaers website, a USA government site that tracks adverse reactions to vaccines, nearly 6,000 people have died as a result of taking this vaccine.

Some 20,000 more have been hospitalized, nearly 2,000 others have come down with Bell’s palsy, paralysis of the facial muscles and 44,891 people have checked themselves in for urgent care. That is not to mention the 5,900 life-threatening reactions that people have had directly from receiving the vaccine, including 2,200 people who suffered heart attacks as a result of getting the reaction and this is all government data

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