Thursday, 1 October 2020

Public Thoughts on Harry and Meg in US :-)

Pondering thought - These 2 idiots moaned about no privacy when they left the UK so that she could be " The Queen" of America. And now they never shut the fuck up, always in media selling themselves and shove their privileged lives in our faces. The public despise them now. 

So, time to create a page of what the public thinks :-) as the duo dig themselves into a great big hole, right before our eyes. Watch what happens when the titles soon go :-)


Harry and Meghan demand end to 'structural racism' in Britain: Prince reveals his 'awakening' to racial issues and defends [Daily Mail 1st Oct 2020]


Genevieve LinneaMeghan, dear. I know you aren't very clever and can't piece this together on your own, but you are forging an entire CAREER by riding the coat-tails of Royal white privilege. The irony! It's lost on you!!!!!!

Milly JonesMy goodness never thought I would see the day, when once a respected member of our Royal family, allows himself to become brainwashed by a trouble making-control freak.

Chesiregirl38 I'm with Donald Trump on this one. To quote him: I'm not a fan of Meghan, and wish Harry the best of luck because he's going to need it!

Gow60Is there any subject they won't use to get media attention? Time they lost all titles.

Robert Manders

Harry: Honey I’m home

Megan: How was your day dear? Harry: Well, I was disowned by my family, dis-inherited, our titles have been rescinded and I am off the royal pay roll. I am now all yours my love. Megan: I want a divorce.

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