Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Brexit Quotes from the General public - to add to

If MPs do not honour the referendum result on 29th March and get Britain out of the EU they will no longer have any mandate. Tens of millions millions of people will no recognise the House of Commons as a sovereign body. They will have brought democracy in the UK to an abrupt end because of their own selfishness and inability to get one simple thing done.

The EU leaders have been irresponsible by allowing their selfish greed to mean a perfectly good and productive trading club became something far bigger and more shadowy- an empire building power hungry group of self serving bureaucrats in Brussels, who's aim is to demise the nation states. Fact.

Let the rest of the 27 countries of Europe have a referendum especially France and Germany, let¿s see the devide across Europe it will be bigger than the UK

Yes we are smart enough and if it is NO Deal then we will be resilient enough too, we will keep calm and carry on.

Sarah Gruntbuggle
What is really funny is that if the dutch, the french and the germans who are so fond of having their little digs at us on these forums for daring to leave their beloved socialist superstate were not so thick, they would realise that they are perfect examples of why we voted to leave!

Brexit is not a vote for nationalism, it's a vote for getting back democracy to enable citizens to control the laws that govern them. The EU is fundamentally democratically flawed and the main people running it like Junker, Tusk and Martin Selmayr were not voted for by any European citizen so European citizens can't get rid of them. The only way currently to get back democracy from EU is to leave because they're not going to give up their unelected power voluntarily.

Labour and conservatives agreed to adhere to the referendum outcome which is written in law that without a deal the default position is no deal. Neither party have come up with an acceptable deal and a short extension would achieve nothing as politicians can¿t agree to disagree. How therefore can any politician vote to take no deal off the table when this is the legal default position.

My Godfathers
So Corbyn doesn't support the democratic process. He's got much more in common with Kim Jong un 
than I thought

our Parliament is filled by small men and women, most of whom have never had a proper job, taken real decisions or had any responsibility. Most of them cannot earn a living other than as MPs and they hold the electorate in contempt. When MPs started seeing politics as a career and not Public service, we were on the slippery slope and that has needed with this. If we do not leave on 29 March at 11:00pm, Britain will have been betrayed by the very people who should be leading by example. People we will never again respect. They need to do their duty

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