Sunday, 20 May 2018

WISDOM: There is a genie deep within you

There is a genie deep within you.

There’s a genie deep within you; He’s been there from the start.
He’s not in some old dusty lamp; He lives within your heart.
He’ll grant you all your wishes; Make every dream come true;
For you alone command him— He does what you say “Do!”.
You tell him through your feelings; Not just through words you say;
For what you truly feel within, Sends genie on his way.
So when your thoughts are fearful, Instead of full of faith,
He still must do your bidding; He knows no other way.
For he can only give you What you believe is true.
No matter what the Truth may be — Life gives your truth to you.
Now since you know this genie Has always obeyed you.

You also know why all your dreams have never all come true.
But now you know the way to make your every dream come true;
You know what all the sages knew, that genie, friend, is YOU !   

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