Friday, 29 December 2023

MEME: Big Pharma


MEME: Book of Revelations


MEME: Vaccines


MEME: USA - covid vaccines a disaster


MEMES (2) Trump and covid vaccines

 670,000 American men, women and children have "died suddenly" 



MEME: Natural Law - your rights


MEME: Jesus - ye are gods


MEME: Electric car - great for the environment [snark]


MEMES (2) Climate change and cows


Thursday, 28 December 2023

MEMES (2) Vaccines


MEME: Elite


MEME: Great awakening


MEME: USA - the Biden Whitehouse of freaks


MEME: Nothing to lose


MEME: Education


MEMES (2) Obama and Fauci


MEMES (2) Biden


MEME: Life is a journey


MEME: Elon musk and bill gates


MEME: Gratitude


MEMES (18) Funny


MEME: Japan and vaccines